Processing of personal data

Personal data, according to the article 3 of the Federal Law №152-FZ, means any information relating to private individuals: information contained in passport (name, date of birth, registration address, marital status, etc.), as well as information on education, occupation, salary, and even growth, weight, eye color, and others.

The action of the Federal Law № 152-FZ is applied absolutely to all persons engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

Processing of personal data is any action of collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refining, useing, transfering, depersonalization, blocking and destruction of personal data.

Companies from the service sector, including accommodation facilities (hotels, hostels, apartments), interact with clients – private individuals – processing their personal data for the purpose of, for example, accommodation services.

An organization dealing with the processing of personal data, in our case – an accommodation facility (hotels, hostels, apartments), is the operator of personal data and must obtain consent for processing it from a data subject (Article 9 of №152- FZ.), that is, from a guest. Accommodation facility receives consent for the processing of personal data in a written form from a guest. Guest fills out a questionnaire on Form №5.

Using the Bnovo PMS hotel management system implies a processing personal data of customers involving another party, so we recommend you to modify the form of the contract and your registration form having added it with the following phrase:

I hereby give my consent for “the name of the hotel (or of the legal entity)” and parties acting on its behalf to process my personal data in accordance with the Federal Law from 27.07.2006 №152-FZ “On Personal Data” ___________ (signature).

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