Sending letters to guests from Bnovo PMS and setting up a deafault mail application

Sending letters to guests from Bnovo PMS and setting up a deafault mail application

In the Bnovo PMS you can quickly go to the letter writing and send your guest a confirmation of the booking, a link for online payment for accommodation or any other information.

To do this, go to the reservation card, open the General or the Guests tab. If the card contains the guest’s email address, you will see the Letter icon. Click on it.

Than the window of your email application (Gmail, Yandex, Mail, etc.) will open, in this window you can write an email to this guest.

If the transition to the mail application is not configured, use the following steps.

If you use Chrome and want to send messages to guests from your mail in Gmail, go to your mailbox page and move your mouse over the icon in the shape of two crossed rhombuses that appeared on the left side of the address bar.

A pop-up message will appear:

This page is trying to install a service handler.

Click on the icon and select the option Allow in the menu that appears. After that, you can go to your Gmail account to write a letter to the guest.

To open your Yandex mail, install the “mailto:” extension:.

After its installation, the settings window opens. Press the Add another service button, enter Yandex in the “Name the service” field, and in the “Fill in the full URL…” field specify the address:{url}. Click the Add button. The mailto extension can also be used to open mail links in other web applications: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL and others.

If you work with Bnovo PMS in Mozilla Firefox, specify the email applications in the browser settings as follows: Go to Settings> Applications, in the Content type list find the mailto item and select the application you need from the drop-down list – Yandex, Mail, Gmail or other.

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