Creating a rate for 2-3 persons in

If you have 2-3 persons occupancy and you want to sell them on Booking .com at a price for 2-3 persons, you need to make the following:

  1. Call and ask them to create a rate for 2 person occupancy in 3 persons room or for 2-3 person occupancys in 4 persons room.
  2. After they will be active in the extranet, you need to create the same rate in WuBook.
  3. Click Facility > Plans > Rate Plans > Add a New Rate Plan > Type – intensive. Name – 2 persons occupancy.
  4. After this, click Detail in the left corner of the table You Rate Plans. You will see the table Default Values. Here you need to set the prices for 2 persons occupancy in the line with basic Room. For example: you have the Basic room Triple and 2 virtual room’s trp1 and trp2. In the table you set the prices only for basic room (Triple)
  5. You create the rate for 2-3 persons occupancy in 4 persons occupancy. But this time you set the price only for 3 person occupancy.
    You don’t need to edit the rest of the occupancies.
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