Social networks monitoring with Bnovo Scan

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to introduce you a unique social media and online-booking services monitoring service.

Keep track of mentions, ratings of and reviews on your hotel and promptly respond to guest comments, increase the loyalty of potential customers.

The service is surprisingly simple:

  1. Choose areas for monitoring
    That may be such social medias as Vkontante, Facebook, Instagram, and such online engines as and TripAdvisor.
  2. Type keywords that interest you

You will receive notifications with links to new posts that contain keywords on e-mail. For example:

  1. Your guest posted a photo in Instagram with hashtag #NameOfYourHotel. You will receive a notification about that and you will be able to express your reaction.
  2. Your hotel was mentioned on a community where somebody is looking for a hotel in your city. You will receive a notification on e-mail and you will be able to invite this guest.
  3. Your guest has left a comment or has rated your hotel on or on TripAdvisor. Bnovo Scan will notify you with a letter on your e-mail.

More on Bnovo Scan settings you can read here.

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